- Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
- On the left-hand side menu, go to Site Settings.
- Select the last tab titled Legals.
- Scroll down to the section titled Complaints Policy Type.
- Select on-site if you want to upload your complaints policy as a PDF.
- Select off-site if you want to provide an external URL to your complaints policy.
- Select Update on the top right of the page.
- On the left-hand side menu, go to Pages.
- Scroll down until you reach the Important Information page then select Edit.
- In the Text Editor, above the General Advice Warning, copy and paste the following text:
- Complaint Policy
- To access [dma_main_lic_company]’s Complaint Policy, please click the button below.
- [dma_cp_button label=”Complaint Policy”]
- Set the paragraph style on the “Complaint Policy” heading to Heading 2.
- Select Update on the top right of the page.
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