Testimonials in financial advice: Build trust and drive growth

In financial advising, trust and credibility are everything. Client testimonials are one of the most powerful tools to build both, offering tangible social proof that can sway prospective clients’ decisions. In this article, we’ll show you why testimonials are essential for financial advisers and how to effectively gather, display, and leverage them to enhance your practice.

Why testimonials matter

Client testimonials build trust and credibility by showing potential clients real-life examples of your expertise and success.

  • Building trust with social proof: Testimonials work because of social proof—a psychological phenomenon where people rely on the experiences of others to make decisions. When potential clients see others having success with your services, their trust in you grows.
  • Enhancing credibility: Credibility is built by showcasing your expertise and results. Client testimonials provide clear evidence of your successful engagements, establishing you as a trusted expert in your field and giving you an edge over competitors.
  • Differentiating your business: In a competitive market, testimonials help set you apart from other advisers by showcasing your unique strengths and successful client outcomes. They provide a real-world perspective on what makes your services exceptional.

Gathering testimonials

Effectively gathering testimonials ensures you consistently build social proof and strengthen your credibility.

  • Ask at the right time: The best moment to request feedback is when clients are experiencing success from your advice, such as after a significant financial win or the resolution of a complex issue.
  • Make it easy: Provide clients with a simple way to leave feedback—whether it’s through a feedback form on your website or a Google Reviews link sent in an Xplan email. Integrating these requests into your regular process ensures you’re continuously collecting fresh feedback.
  • Ensure permission and authenticity: It’s crucial to get explicit permission from clients before using client quotes, especially if their name or likeness is displayed. This respects client privacy and meets compliance standards. Never fabricate testimonials; ensure all feedback is genuine and verifiable.

Use this template to help you get started:

“Dear [Client Name],

Thank you for trusting us to manage your financial needs. Your feedback helps us improve our service, and we’d greatly appreciate it if you could share feedback about your experience with us here [link to Google Reviews or feedback form]. Your testimonial could help others in need of financial advice.

Best regards, [Your Name]”

Displaying testimonials

Strategically placing testimonials in high-impact areas maximises their influence on potential clients.

  • Be strategic: Place testimonials where they’ll have the most impact—on your homepage, service pages, or even a dedicated ‘success stories’ section.
  • Use variety: Include testimonials that highlight different aspects of your services, such as financial planning, retirement strategies, or investment advice, to appeal to a broader audience.
  • Maximise visibility: Ensure that testimonials are visible during key decision-making moments. Feature them prominently on landing pages and in social media campaigns to engage prospects when they are most interested.

The value of feedback

Collecting and acting on feedback enhances your service and, when executed, shows clients that their opinions are valued.

  • Gathering feedback: Use surveys, interviews, and conversations to collect feedback. This gives you deeper insight into client satisfaction and areas for improvement.
  • Acting on feedback: Analyse and implement changes based on feedback. This shows clients you value their input and are committed to improving your services.
  • Managing negative feedback: If feedback is less than glowing, use it as an opportunity to improve. Respond professionally and address concerns to demonstrate that you’re proactive and client-focused.

Leveraging testimonials in marketing

Incorporating client quotes into your marketing strategy amplifies your reach and drives engagement with new clients.

  • Integrating into campaigns: Use testimonials in your newsletters, website, and social media platforms to reach a wide audience and target your ideal clients using relatable stories.
  • Content diversity: Showcase testimonials in multiple formats—blogs, newsletters, and videos—to engage different client segments.
  • SEO benefits: Google Reviews can boost your site’s SEO. Search engines favour regularly updated content, and integrated reviews help provide that.
  • Repurposing reviews: Use quotes from testimonials for social media posts, or develop case studies based on detailed feedback.


Client testimonials are more than just reviews—they’re essential tools that build trust and credibility, and attract new clients. By gathering, displaying, and responding to them strategically, you can strengthen your brand and grow your business. Start incorporating testimonials into your marketing strategy today and watch how they can transform your client base. Don’t wait—reach out to your best clients now and collect powerful responses to set your business apart.