How to clear form entries

We recommend that your administration team set a recurring task to purge form entries no less than quarterly, or ask us and we can program your forms to automatically delete entries to your requested frequency.

Obtaining sensitive personally identifiable information such as identity documents, tax file numbers, credit card details (other than those obtained through an embedded payment gateway such as a Stripe) are not recommended. If you would like to use forms to collect this information, please contact us to discuss appropriate cyber security measures.


  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. On the left-hand side menu, go to Forms.
  3. Hover over the specific form you’re interested in and select Entries.
  4. Select the checkbox in the header so that all entries are ticked.
  5. Select Bulk Actions and then Trash.
  6. Select Apply.
  7. Repeat steps 3-7 if you have multiple forms and repeat steps 4-6 if you have more than one page of entries within a specific form.